Servicii de curatare si igienizare ecologica a autotusirmelor, mijloacerlor de transport. Este o companie infiintata in Iasi, specializata in oferirea de servicii de curatatorie ecologica si spalatorie ecologica. Află date de contact, informaţii financiare, datorii la bugete, dosare in justiţie, .
Rasfat pentru masina ta cu reducere la EURO ACTIVITY! A Rosetti In incinta liceului Ucecom Iasi. EURO ACTIVITY SRL – cui 257198- Tot ce vrei sa afli! Date de contact, adresa, indicatori financiari, verificare incidente CIP, procese, datorii, rating financiar, .
Curatat interior cu aburi: tapiterie, portbagaj, bor plafon, fete de portiere + igienizare + cosmetizare auto pentru masini mici la doar RON in loc de 1RON . Euro Activity Nicolina ‘maptype=’hybrid’ map_width=’480′ map_height=’295′ . EURO ACTIVITY SRL, Strada Martha Nr. EURO ACTIVITY SRL, localitatea Iasi, judet Iasi. Adresa, telefon, date de contact Lista complata a firmelor din judetul Iasi. SC EURO ACTIVITY SRL Iasi CUI 25719878.
Also associated for Faculty of Law and Centre for European Studies in the same university. Type of activity of field of interest. If you travel to Iasi by train, you can get to the city center or to the residence.
On the first day of academic activity, you are required to come to the . Main activities and responsibilities. Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania, Blvd. EuroEd Foundation is a non-governmental organisation based in Iasi. European Union requirements in the . Main activities and responsibilities Teaching, research, clinical care. Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level.
Field of activity: Manufacture of medicines and pharmaceutical products.